Welcome to CHEAT TEC site ! Download and have fun !

Saints Row 4 Trainer

Download Free CSaints Row 4 Trainer from Cheat Tec NOW and enjoy :)


Download Free COMPANY OF HEROES 2 TRAINER (BETA from Cheat Tec NOW !

Ghost Recon : Future Soldier TRAINER 1.8.130422

Download Free Ghost Recon : Future Soldier TRAINER 1.8.130422 from Cheat Tec NOW !

BioShock Infinite (+14,+12 Trainers)

Download FREE BioShock Infinite Trainer from CheatTec !


Download Free RESIDENT EVIL 6 TRAINER from Cheat Tec NOW !

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Dungeon rampage hack WORKING !

Dungeon rampage hack from our partner's site !

Download for free and enjoy this game !

How to use hack tool :
 1) Unzip .rar (link below)
 2) Check info.nfo
 3) Double click on "Dungeon rampage hack tool v2.6.exe"
 4) Input login and password and click connect
 5) Choose your Internet browser
 6) Choose whatever you want (coins etc.)
 7) Click "ACCEPT" button.
 8) Enjoy free money and levels :D 

Video demonstration :

Downloads and more info at :

Company of Heroes 2 Trainer

Using this Trainer
Launch the trainer first, then launch the Game and then Press F1 at the Main Menu.
Listen for "Activated".

Press desired option key


Numpad 1: Manpower
Numpad 2: Fuel
Numpad 3: Ammo
Numpad 4: Command Points
Numpad 5: Reset Population
Numpad 6: Enemy Supply Lines
Numpad 7: Instant Troops
Numpad 8: Instant Buildings
[ Key: Heal Selected Unit
] Key: Weaken Selected Unit
\ Key: Super Selected Unit
8 Key: Heal Selected Building
9 Key: Weaken Selected Building
0 Key: Super Selected Building
Numpad +: Fog of War Off
Numpad -: Fog of War On
Numpad /: Victory Points Team 1
Numpad *: Victory Points Team 2
Numpad .: Command Cooldowns


Every Effort was made to make these options work ONLY for the
team intended! Use the options as directed.

Numpad 1: Manpower - press key and you will have plenty

Numpad 2: Fuel - press key and you will have plenty

Numpad 3: Ammo - press key and you will have plenty

Numpad 4: Command Points - press key and you will have plenty

Numpad 5: Reset Population - press key and you will set your
population to zero so you can create more troops.

Numpad 6: Enemy Supply Lines - toggle this ON and the enemy
supply lines will be cut. The enemy will stop creating
troops and buildings.

Numpad 7: Instant Troops - toggle on and when you queue up a
troop or upgrade, it will instantly finish. If the
FIRST item queued up doesn't finish instantly, simply
click on it again in the queue to cancel it and then
start a fresh one. It will then finish rapidly.

Numpad 8: Instant Buildings - toggle this on and when you create
a builiding, it will complete quickly.

[ Key: Heal Selected Unit - select a vehicle or infantry unit.
I suggest you select a SINGLE UNIT and not use the mouse
to drag around units. When you click the unit, hold the
mouse button down a second or two to lock in that unit.
Press the key to manipulate the unit health. This will
heal the unit back up. If you have selected an infantry,
only ONE of the infantry will recieve the heal. This does
not work on enemy units.

] Key: Weaken Selected Unit - select a vehicle or infantry unit.
I suggest you select a SINGLE UNIT and not use the mouse
to drag around units. When you click the unit, hold the
mouse button down a second or two to lock in that unit.
Press the key to manipulate the unit health. The unit will
have almost no health left.This does not work on enemy

\ Key: Super Selected Unit - select a vehicle or infantry unit.
I suggest you select a SINGLE UNIT and not use the mouse
to drag around units. When you click the unit, hold the
mouse button down a second or two to lock in that unit.
Press the key to manipulate the unit health. This will
heal create a super unit that has very high health. You
will hear 'ACTIVATED' letting you know the unit is at
super health. If you press the key again on a unit with
super health, you will hear 'DEACTIVED' to let you know
the unit is back to normal. If you have selected an
infantry,only ONE of the infantry will recieve the bonus.
This does NOT work on enemy units.

8 Key: Heal Selected Building - select a single building on the map.
I suggest you select a SINGLE BUILDING and not use the mouse
to drag around units. When you click the building hold the
mouse button down a second or two to lock in that building.
Press the key to manipulate the building health. This will
heal the building back up. You CAN affect enemy buildings with
this command.

9 Key: Weaken Selected Building - select a single building on the map.
I suggest you select a SINGLE BUILDING and not use the mouse
to drag around units. When you click the building hold the
mouse button down a second or two to lock in that building.
Press the key to manipulate the building health. This will
drain the building's health. You CAN affect enemy buildings with
this command.

0 Key: Super Selected Building - select a single building on the map.
I suggest you select a SINGLE BUILDING and not use the mouse
to drag around units. When you click the building hold the
mouse button down a second or two to lock in that building.
Press the key to manipulate the building health. This will
create a super high health for that building. Similar to the
Super Unit option, listen for 'Activated' to let you know
that it is Super Building and for 'Deactivated' to let you know
that it is back to normal.

Numpad +: Fog of War Off - press this key and instantly the map will
reveal all units and positions. You can locate the enemy quickly
using this.

Numpad -: Fog of War On - press this key and the Fog of War will return
back to normal.

Numpad /: Victory Points Team 1 - this has 3 positions. The first press
sets the points to a low value, the second press to a high value
and the third press to a normal value.

Numpad *: Victory Points Team 2 - this has 3 positions. The first press
sets the points to a low value, the second press to a high value
and the third press to a normal value.

Numpad .: Command Cooldowns - some powers or actions can be done on
the Command Points bar (such as the IL Stormovik plane). Use
this key to reset the timers so that you can more quickly call
those powers or actions again. This does NOT work for specific
unit powers and is ONLY for the Special Command powers timers.

Downloads :

Friday, July 26, 2013

Civilization 5 + BNW v1.0.3.18 V.2.2 for CHEATENGINE V6.2 (included !)

Hi guys,

 There's contribution for "Civilization 5: Brave new World" version The table contains a script with the following features:

- Minimum Resources (gold and faith);
- God Mode + Stronger Units (strength = 500);
- Unlimited Fight and Movement per turn;
- Full Mana;
- Quick Research, Production and Construction;
- Quick Construction only for Wonders;
- Golden Age;
- Great People;

The table also contains (when the script is active):

- Enable/Disable Minimum Gold; (*)
- Enable/Disable Minimum Faith; (*)
- Enable/Disable Additional % Empire Culture; (*)
- Enable/Disable Quick Research; (*)
- Enable/Disable Quick Golden Age Entering; (*)
- Enable/Disable Extended Golden Age Duration; (*)
- Enable/Disable Unlimited Move Points;(*) (There are HOTKEYs for this one)
- Enable/Disable God Mode; (*)
- Enable/Disable Can Fight Again; (*)
- Enable/Disable Quick Unit Production; (*)
- Enable/Disable Quick Building Contruction; (*)
- Enable/Disable Only Wonders; (*)
- Enable/Disable Quick Great People; (*)

(*) These features are DISABLED by default. For enabling any of them, just change its value to 1;

Note: There are HOTKEYS. Have a look at the Table Extras for more information.
Note: The script now uses the new CE command assert and will not load if it is incompatible with the running game version.

After downloading the table, rename it to CivilizationV.CT and copy it to the "My Cheat Table" folder.

It is for CE 6.2
Video demonstration :

Download links (3 mirrors):

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Cube World Cracked ! Download and play for FREE !

CUBE WORLD is an open world game in which the player explores a procedurally generated, effectively endless, voxel world. This world contains randomly generated dungeons, including underground caverns and over-world castles, as well as separate biomes including grasslands, snowlands, deserts, and oceans. Players can use items such as hang gliders and boats to traverse the world more quickly.

Character creation involves the players first choosing a race and customising the look of the character, they can then choose one of four classes; warrior, rogue, ranger, or mage. The world is populated with monsters and creatures which can be killed for experience resulting in stronger statistics and abilities, allowing players to choose specialisations which best suit their in-game aims. These specialisation choices include warriors being able to choose between focusing on damage or defensive abilities, or mages focusing on damage or healing abilities. Players can also tame animals, such as sheep or turtles, which fight alongside them.

Crafting is present in the game, allowing players to create food, potions, weapons, and armor, as well as modify their existing weapons block by block in order to create aesthetically unique weapons.

Video previev :

Downloads :


Using this Trainer
Launch the trainer first, then launch the Game and then Press F1 at the Main Menu.
Listen for "Activated".

Press desired option key


Numpad 1: Unlimited Movement
Numpad 2: Build Unit 1 Turn
Numpad 3: Build Building 1 Turn
Numpad 4: Research 1 Turn
Numpad 5: Golden Age Points
Numpad 6: Reset Golden Age
Numpad 7: Policy Points
Numpad 8: Faith Points
Numpad 9: Citizen Progress
Numpad 0: Gold


Numpad 1: Unlimited Movement - toggle this ON and then you can move units
indefinitely. You will have to toggle this off before you end turns
or you will find that the AI might use it as well. Also, some units
like workers will not complete thier objectives until you turn this
off. Having this option ON when you start a civilization or LOAD
a new map, you will find none of your units have any movement points
left. Make sure to only turn on when it is your turn to move.

Numpad 2: Build Unit 1 Turn - Select a City, press option key, and then select
a unit. The unit will be in the queue and will complete in 1 turn.

Numpad 3: Build Building 1 Turn - Select a City, press option key, and then select
a building. The unit buiding will be in the queue and will complete in 1

Numpad 4: Research 1 Turn - select the RESEARCH icon to open the Technology Tree.
Press this option key and then select one of the technologies to research.
The technology will be in the queue and will complete in 1 turn.

Numpad 5: Golden Age Points - Select a city and then press this key. When you
leave the city, you will have more points. If you already have a bunch
of points, it will give you 999,999. If you already have 999,999 or more,
the option will reset your points to 0.

Numpad 6: Reset Golden Age - select a city and then press this key. If you aren't
in a Golden age, it will put you in a golden age for 100 turns. If you are
already in a Golden age, it will end the current golden age.

Numpad 7: Policy Points - Select a city and then press this key. When you
leave the city, you will have more points. If you already have a bunch
of points, it will give you 999,999. If you already have 999,999 or more,
the option will reset your points to 0. You may have to reset your points
to zero in order to remove the prompt to adopt a Social Policy.

Numpad 8: Faith Points - Select a city and then press this key. When you
leave the city, you will have more points. If you already have a bunch
of points, it will give you 999,999. If you already have 999,999 or more,
the option will reset your points to 0.

Numpad 9: Citizen Progress - select a city and then press this key. Leave the city
and then return and you will see that the Citizen progress is increased.
You will form a new citizen in 1 turn.

Numpad 0: Gold - select a city and then press this key. Each press will give you
more gold. Leave the city to see you have increased gold.

Video demonstration :

Sleeping.Dogs.v2.1.437044 Trainer +20

Using this Trainer
Launch the trainer first, then launch the Game and then Press F1 at the Main Menu.
Listen for "Activated".

Press desired option key


Numpad 1: Unlimited Health
Numpad 2: Money
Numpad 3: Cop Upgrade Points
Numpad 4: Triad Upgrade Points
Numpad 5: Melee Statue Points
Numpad 6: Face Meter Level
Numpad 7: Triad Meter Level
Numpad 8: Cop Meter Level
Numpad 9: Unlimited Face Power
Numpad *: Unlimited Ammo
Numpad 0: No Reload
Numpad -: Save Position
Numpad +: Teleport
[ Key: Reset Police Heat
] Key: Weak Enemies


Numpad 1: Unlimited Health - toggle this on and your character is
immune to most damage.

Numpad 2: Money - press this key while moving around and then press
ESC to enter the inventory. You will see you have more.

Numpad 3: Cop Upgrade Points - press this key while moving around and then press
ESC to enter the inventory. You will see you have more.

Numpad 4: Triad Upgrade Points - press this key while moving around and then press
ESC to enter the inventory. You will see you have more.

Numpad 5: Melee Statue Points - press this key while moving around and then press
ESC to enter the inventory. You will see you have more. If you press
the key again and have more than 0 then it will reset it back to 0.

Numpad 6: Face Meter Level - press this key while moving around and then press
ESC to enter the inventory. You will see that the bar increased.

Numpad 7: Triad Meter Level - press this key while moving around and then press
ESC to enter the inventory. You will see that the bar increased.

Numpad 8: Cop Meter Level - press this key while moving around and then press
ESC to enter the inventory. You will see that the bar increased.

Numpad 9: Unlimited Face Power - toggle this on and the Face Power bar goes to
maximum and stays there.

Numpad *: Unlimited Ammo - note that you must use this while NO OTHER NPC are
using guns around you. It's best to pick up a weapon while no police
are near you and then toggle this on. You will have unlimited ammo.
If you drop the weapon and pick up another or try to toggle this on
after you are already engaged with NPC's then it might not work.

Numpad 0: No Reload - note that you must use this while NO OTHER NPC are
using guns around you. It's best to pick up a weapon while no police
are near you and then toggle this on. You won't have to reload.
If you drop the weapon and pick up another or try to toggle this on
after you are already engaged with NPC's then it might not work.

Numpad -: Save Position - saves your position in the game world.

Numpad +: Teleport - teleports you back to the saved position.

[ Key: Reset Police Heat - instantly resets the police alert in progress. If
you are holding a weapon around police the alert will restart. Otherwise
you can slap police and then press this and they will leave you alone.
You can slam through the city in vehicles and then press this if the
police are chasing you to reset the alert.

] Key: Weak Enemies - this is best when you have to take on groups of enemy
fighters. Once they are near you or around you, press this key, and
then you will find they will usually go down very fast when hit or shot.

