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Saints Row 4 Trainer

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Sunday, June 9, 2013


Using this Trainer
Launch the trainer first, then launch the Game and then Press F1 at the Main Menu.
Listen for "Activated".

Press desired option key


Numpad 1: Production Points
Numpad 2: Damage System Off
Numpad 3: Unlimited Ammo
Numpad 4: Unlimited Fuel
Numpad 5: Always Calm
Numpad 6: Add Battle Timer
Numpad 7: End Battle Timer
Numpad 8: Unlimited Reinforcements
Numpad 9: Reveal Units
Numpad 0: Political Points Team 1
Numpad .: Political Points Team 2
Numpad /: Team 1 Morale
Numpad *: Team 2 Morale
F1 Key: God Mode Team 1
F2 Key: Weak Mode Team 1
F3 Key: God Mode Team 2
F4 Key: Weak Mode Team 2
Numpad +: Mouse Over Heal
Numpad -: Mouse Over Weak


Numpad 1: Production Points - once you are in a game where the
Production points can be used and are increasing, press
this key to instantly get more.

Numpad 2: Damage System Off - this turns the damage system of the
game off. This AFFECTS ALL UNITS including the enemy.
You can use this to expose the enemy or to create tactical

Numpad 3: Unlimited Ammo - this will allow your units to use most
weapons without using up any ammo. If you plan on using
AIR UNITS, then turn this OFF as the game won't allow you to
reload at the airbase or evac properly if your ammo is already
full when your aircraft return to base.

Numpad 4: Unlimited Fuel - this will allow most units to move
without consuming fuel.

Numpad 5: Always Calm - this will make most units unafraid of
combat and always calm.

Numpad 6: Add Battle Timer - adds 20 more minutes to the battle.

Numpad 7: End Battle Timer - only 10 seconds left in battle.

Numpad 8: Unlimited Reinforcements - toggle on and when units that you create
enter the map, they will not decrease the total units you can produce.
Basically you can have unlimited units.

Numpad 9: Reveal Units - toggle this on to reveal all units on the battlefield.

Numpad 0: Political Points Team 1- each press adds more on the Battle Map.

Numpad .: Political Points Team 2- each press adds more on the Battle Map.

Numpad /: Team 1 Morale - each press adds 25 more morale. If you add more than
500 it resets to 0.

Numpad *: Team 2 Morale - each press adds 25 more morale. If you add more than
500 it resets to 0.

F1 Key: God Mode Team 1 - toggle this on while on the battlefield and the trainer
will try to keep all units on team 1 from being destroyed.

F2 Key: Weak Mode Team 1 - toggle this on while on the battlefield and the
trainer will try to make all units on team 1 easy to destroy.

F3 Key: God Mode Team 2 - toggle this on while on the battlefield and the trainer
will try to keep all units on team 2 from being destroyed.

F4 Key: Weak Mode Team 2 - toggle this on while on the battlefield and the
trainer will try to make all units on team 2 easy to destroy.

Numpad +: Mouse Over Heal - toggle this on and while it is on, units that you mouse
over will have their overall damage repaired. This works on either
friendly or enemy units. You can swipe this over your units while it is
on to quickly try to heal them up. Toggle off to prevent unwanted
use on other units and be careful which units you mouse over.

Numpad -: Mouse Over Weak - toggle this on and while it is on, units that you mouse
over will be much easier to destroy. This works on either
friendly or enemy units. You can swipe this over enemy units while it is
on to quickly make them easy to destroy. Toggle off to prevent unwanted
use on other units and be careful which units you mouse over.

Video demonstration :


Using this Trainer
Launch the trainer first, then launch the Game and then Press F1 at the Main Menu.
Listen for "Activated".

Press desired option key

Options in BETA

Numpad 1: Manpower
Numpad 2: Fuel
Numpad 3: Ammo
Numpad 4: Command Points
Numpad 5: Reset Population

Options when FULL GAME is released

Numpad 1: Manpower
Numpad 2: Fuel
Numpad 3: Ammo
Numpad 4: Command Points
Numpad 5: Reset Population
Numpad 6: Enemy Supply Lines
Numpad 7: Instant Troops
Numpad 8: Instant Buildings
[ Key: Heal Selected Unit
] Key: Weaken Selected Unit
\ Key: Super Selected Unit
8 Key: Heal Selected Building
9 Key: Weaken Selected Building
0 Key: Super Selected Building
Numpad +: Fog of War Off
Numpad -: Fog of War On
Numpad /: Victory Points Team 1
Numpad *: Victory Points Team 2
Numpad .: Command Cooldowns


Every Effort was made to make these options work ONLY for the
team intended! Use the options as directed.

Numpad 1: Manpower - press key and you will have plenty

Numpad 2: Fuel - press key and you will have plenty

Numpad 3: Ammo - press key and you will have plenty

Numpad 4: Command Points - press key and you will have plenty

Numpad 5: Reset Population - press key and you will set your
population to zero so you can create more troops.

Numpad 6: Enemy Supply Lines - toggle this ON and the enemy
supply lines will be cut. The enemy will stop creating
troops and buildings.

Numpad 7: Instant Troops - toggle on and when you queue up a
troop or upgrade, it will instantly finish. If the
FIRST item queued up doesn't finish instantly, simply
click on it again in the queue to cancel it and then
start a fresh one. It will then finish rapidly.

Numpad 8: Instant Buildings - toggle this on and when you create
a builiding, it will complete quickly.

[ Key: Heal Selected Unit - select a vehicle or infantry unit.
I suggest you select a SINGLE UNIT and not use the mouse
to drag around units. When you click the unit, hold the
mouse button down a second or two to lock in that unit.
Press the key to manipulate the unit health. This will
heal the unit back up. If you have selected an infantry,
only ONE of the infantry will recieve the heal. This does
not work on enemy units.

] Key: Weaken Selected Unit - select a vehicle or infantry unit.
I suggest you select a SINGLE UNIT and not use the mouse
to drag around units. When you click the unit, hold the
mouse button down a second or two to lock in that unit.
Press the key to manipulate the unit health. The unit will
have almost no health left.This does not work on enemy

\ Key: Super Selected Unit - select a vehicle or infantry unit.
I suggest you select a SINGLE UNIT and not use the mouse
to drag around units. When you click the unit, hold the
mouse button down a second or two to lock in that unit.
Press the key to manipulate the unit health. This will
heal create a super unit that has very high health. You
will hear 'ACTIVATED' letting you know the unit is at
super health. If you press the key again on a unit with
super health, you will hear 'DEACTIVED' to let you know
the unit is back to normal. If you have selected an
infantry,only ONE of the infantry will recieve the bonus.
This does NOT work on enemy units.

8 Key: Heal Selected Building - select a single building on the map.
I suggest you select a SINGLE BUILDING and not use the mouse
to drag around units. When you click the building hold the
mouse button down a second or two to lock in that building.
Press the key to manipulate the building health. This will
heal the building back up. You CAN affect enemy buildings with
this command.

9 Key: Weaken Selected Building - select a single building on the map.
I suggest you select a SINGLE BUILDING and not use the mouse
to drag around units. When you click the building hold the
mouse button down a second or two to lock in that building.
Press the key to manipulate the building health. This will
drain the building's health. You CAN affect enemy buildings with
this command.

0 Key: Super Selected Building - select a single building on the map.
I suggest you select a SINGLE BUILDING and not use the mouse
to drag around units. When you click the building hold the
mouse button down a second or two to lock in that building.
Press the key to manipulate the building health. This will
create a super high health for that building. Similar to the
Super Unit option, listen for 'Activated' to let you know
that it is Super Building and for 'Deactivated' to let you know
that it is back to normal.

Numpad +: Fog of War Off - press this key and instantly the map will
reveal all units and positions. You can locate the enemy quickly
using this.

Numpad -: Fog of War On - press this key and the Fog of War will return
back to normal.

Numpad /: Victory Points Team 1 - this has 3 positions. The first press
sets the points to a low value, the second press to a high value
and the third press to a normal value.

Numpad *: Victory Points Team 2 - this has 3 positions. The first press
sets the points to a low value, the second press to a high value
and the third press to a normal value.

Numpad .: Command Cooldowns - some powers or actions can be done on
the Command Points bar (such as the IL Stormovik plane). Use
this key to reset the timers so that you can more quickly call
those powers or actions again. This does NOT work for specific
unit powers and is ONLY for the Special Command powers timers.

This trainer will allow you to customize the keys if you desire!
There are two ways to do this. One is the built-in custom key
creation and the other is the Trainer Customizer.

Built-in Custom Key Creation (this feature is not in Promo Trainers)

To create a custom key, make sure you have pressed F1 to activate
the trainer. Next, mouse over the option description on the
trainer and press the left mouse button. You will hear "Select Key".
Select the key on your keyboard that you wish to use. The program
will then say "Activated" and the option listed on the trainer will
update to the key you selected and will have "Custom" before it.
You can also click ANY option with the mouse button and then press
the ESC key to reset the trainer options back to their default
